The South social is scheduled for Saturday September 7th at 4pm to catch the tail end of a local bluegrass jam which is from 1-5. Come early if you want to see the jam. This is at Rail Hop’n Brewing Company (131 E. Main St, Auburn) Again SKIBACS will buy the first round and provide food.



The North social is scheduled for Sunday September 15th at Copperworks Distillery in Kenmore (7324 NE 175th, Kenmore) at 4pm 

SKIBACS will buy the first round and provide food. There will be an all inclusive bluegrass jam featuring local musicians (and if you’re a picker you’re welcome to join in) and perhaps even a Boeing retiree
or two from 2:30-5 and live performances from 5:30-7. So come on down to Copper Works and coalesce with your fellow retirees and have a great time.


2024 SKIBACS Social Sept. 7th and Sept. 15th

Days that you can attend