Please check back here for important updates when the 2025 Ski and Snowboarding Lessons begin!

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Examples of what types of messages we post to keep you up to date!

Feb. 08 3:00 PM

Hello SKIBACS Thursday Ski School Participants!

Thursday lessons will be on as scheduled for today.

Check our phone line (206) 400-7542 (Lessons Line #2) before heading out for lessons.

Thursday Night Supervisor,

Vivian Floyd

Feb. 01 4:00 PM

Hello SKIBACS Thursday Ski School Participants!

Thursday lessons will be on as scheduled for today.

Check our phone line (206) 400-7542 (Lessons Line #2) before heading out for lessons.

Thursday Night Supervisor,

Vivian Floyd

Jan. 27 6:26 AM

Hello SKIBACS Saturday Ski School Participants!

Saturday lessons will be cancelled for today, Saturday Jan. 27th because of the forecast of rain at the Summit. This includes both the morning lessons and the afternoon private lessons.

We will add an additional week onto our lessons to make-up for this cancellation.

So please do check our phone line (206) 400-7542 (Lessons Line #2) before heading out for lessons.

Ski with you soon!

Michael Drake

Jan. 24 8:13 AM

Hello SKIBACS Students

This week’s lessons are on as scheduled. Please call the SKIBACS line before you head up to the mountain – 206-400-7542 (#2)

Thank you,

Dan Nebres

Jan. 18 4:42 PM

Hello Thursday Night SKIBACS Students

Regretfully, we are canceling lessons for this Thursday, Jan 18.   Our staff reports excessive delays in drive times to the Summit, with stop and go in excess of an hour to get thru North Bend sections of I90.

As this will likely put many of you, as well as staff, arriving well after our scheduled start time, we feel it best to reschedule lessons so everyone can get their full session.  And to save the aggravation of sitting in our cars for an excessive time in stopped up traffic.

A make up lesson will be added to assure everyone gets their 6 lessons.

Michael Drake

SKIBACS Ski and Snowboard School Chair

Jan. 16 10:24 AM

Hello SKIBACS Ski & Snowboard Students

Well that was a cold one.  And still is, but it’s a bit more ‘normal cold’ than the abnormal cold of last Friday and Saturday.   Our Sunday program ran, and it was….chilly.   Sunny, with squeaky snow (I know I need fresh wax on my bases), but pretty darn chilly.    Good news, is temps are warming up for next weekend.

As stated, our lessons will tack on an additional day for each day we’ve had to cancel due to our program closures.  That means  Saturday will run thru February 17 now.   And if you are a Friday person,  February 23 is now your last regular lesson.

That is, currently, unless we get some more unplanned weather events.

For those of you who are not season pass holders, and instead buy the day tickets ahead of time, we have the following information from the ski area regarding your ticket status:

Due to the weather conditions and ski bus cancellations, all unused lift tickets and rentals reserved for 1/12/2024, 1/13/2024, and 1/14/2024 will automatically be exchanged for a full credit to apply to another visit. You will see this credit number in the purchaser’s account in the next 3-5 days under My Account > Vouchers. To apply this credit to future purchases, please enter the credit number in the Gift Card box during payment.

Detailed instructions for viewing and redeeming your credit voucher can be found here:

We kindly request you do not email or call The Summit at Snoqualmie during this time unless you are reaching out for a different reason.

So although we, SKIBACS, did run our programs Sunday, if some of you elected to keep the kiddos home anyway, the area will allow you to credit any unused lift ticket for a future date.

See you out on snow later this week!

Michael Drake

SKIBACS Ski and Snowboard School Chair


Jan. 13 2:07 PM

Hello Sunday SKIBACS Students!

Yes, we will be running lesson programs this Sunday!

Yes, it will still be pretty cold, but more a normal darn cold mountain winter day than the abnormal Temps of Friday night and Saturday.  You afternoon lesson folks will be seeing 5 to 10 degrees warmer than the morning folks, but don’t show up in your Hawaiian t shirts…that’s still mid to upper teens (Fahrenheit).

There is an old Scandinavian saying, “There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.”

So per our previous note, layer and bundle up, minimize any exposed skin (good news, winds speeds will be more calm tomorrow than today so no big wind chill worries), keep hats or helmets over ears, googles on, and we will all make an effort to keep moving.   Don’t hold back communicating with your instructor, they can’t change the weather, but they can time breaks if a warm up inside is needed.

Before heading up to the Mountain you can check the status line for any changes:

Class status line 206-400-SKI2(7542) Lessons #2

You can get status on the website at:

Lesson Status

GOOD NEWS  in all of this, is the snow is reported to be phenomenal!

Have fun!

See you up there!

Michael Drake

SKIBACS Ski and Snowboard School Chair


Jan. 12 4:24 PM

We planning on having our Sunday lessons per schedule. The weather should be a little warmer, but still cold. So, please be prepared for a little colder weather than last week. Please check our phone line (206) 400-7542 (Lessons Line #2) before heading up to the mountain.

Jan. 12 4:13 PM

Hello SKIBACS Ski and Snowboard Students

SKIBACS will be canceling all of its Saturday, January 13 lesson programs.

Yes, as nice as all the new snow will be, the record cold temperatures have us needing to cancel lessons.  We have a large number of youngsters in our program, who are that much more sensitive to very cold conditions.  For that reason, and well, even for adults, we feel it would be a poor quality experience for all.

We will tag on another make up lesson to make up for this day at the end of our regular scheduled dates.

Stay warm!

Michael Drake

SKIBACS Ski and Snowboard Chair


Jan. 12 10:00 AM

Friday Night Lessons have been cancelled for this week – Friday Jan. 12.

Friday lessons will be extended 2 weeks to make for the first two cancelled weeks.

Currently Saturday and Sunday Lessons are still on as scheduled.

Please do check our phone line (206) 400-7542 (Lessons Line #2) before you leave to the mountain for the most current information.

Jan. 11

Lessons are on this week as scheduled. Please do check our phone line (206) 400-7542 (Lessons Line #2) before you leave to the mountain for the most current information.

Friday and Saturday are predicted to be very cold, so dress warm!


Jan. 05

Weekend (Saturday and Sunday) UPDATE:

Hello SKIBACS Ski School Participants!

Great news!  Lessons will be ‘on’ per our normal operating schedule for this weekend, Saturday and Sunday (January 6 and 7).   Snow conditions have been ‘thin’ up at the area this season, but we’re seeing a healthy new snowfall in the forecast that will support our running.  That said, it will definitely still be ‘early season’ conditions in many many places (meaning certain runs may not be open yet, others open, but still too little to be groomed).  Personally, I will be on my ‘rock skis’ still (an old pair of skis where I’m not as concerned if I inadvertently ski over a rock or two here or there).  That said, I and your SKIBACS instructor staff are eager to out on the snow with you!    Oh, and we’re excited that the new ‘magic carpet’ at Central will be running, twice the size and length of the old one.

So please do check our phone line (206) 400-7542 (Lessons Line #2) and hopefully you have signed up for our text message system: Click Here to sign up: Text Signup, before heading out for lessons.  Good news, bad news, as the snow is expected to fall heavy, particularly the Friday before lessons (good news!), there is always the risk of road or pass closures of I90 for avalanche clearances that may affect our schedules (the potential bad news).  We’ll post developments of any lesson delays or impacts, if they happen, as soon as we can.   Drive safe, and do give yourself extra time to get up there (particularly if you see on the WSDOT Snoqualmie Pass website that chains are required).

Ski with you soon!

Michael Drake

SKIBACS Ski and Snowboard School Chair

Jan 02

Hello SKIBACS Students,

 Information for SKIBACS lesson programs, slated to start next week on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (January 3rd, 4th or 5th). 

Regretfully, we’ll have to defer the start of these lessons for a week. 

At this point, the ski area has contacted us, and has conveyed the likely snow and lift conditions to be expected for your opening lesson days.  Unfortunately, for our night programs, lifts serving only limited beginner terrain at Summit Central, are expected to be running.   Day terrain for our Wednesday program may be running the high speed detachable chair(s), but with the low snow coverage, the terrain conditions are expected to be advanced/expert, even for runs that would normally be blue intermediate.   We aim to operate when there is enough terrain options for most of our students to benefit from, plus pushing all (not just ours) programs to two chairs, would be overwhelming their capacity.


There is, in the forecast, a chance for some new snow late in the week, unfortunately, it will be too late to help us with our opening nights.   Our weekend programs are still ‘pending’ at this point.  The ski area and SKIBACs will discuss the status of those programs closer to those dates. 


With the delay in our start, as with whether we have a cancelled lesson for any other reason (I90 pass closure for example) we will still be offering everyone their 3 or 6 week lesson series, they will conclude one week later than normally scheduled.  We appreciate your flexibility, weather and mountains are always an unpredictable combination.   


Stay tuned for updates!


Michael Drake

SKIBACS Ski and Snowboard School Chairman